Community Support Services
SASH provides Community Supports to almost 74 individuals in Southern Alberta. As part of our Community Supports program, SASH operates several small community businesses and arranges and supports community volunteer placements. The SASH businesses provide a valued service to the Magrath and Raymond communities, as well as enable individuals working in the businesses to have valued roles in the community and meet many community members. These businesses provide employment preparation opportunities and supports. Individuals learn the skills needed in a work environment. The coordinator of Community Supports has
developed a job performance review and a list of skills required in each of the jobs at SASH. This will serve to be a tools to help evaluate individuals’ readiness to progress on to a more independent employment.
The businesses are as follows:
SASH Pizza Kitchen: Individuals work in the pizza kitchen which serves pizza, chicken fingers, fries, wings, etc. to the Magrath community. Customers can come in or call to order takeout food, Individuals who work in the SASH Pizza Kitchen are able to learn customer service skills, safe food handling practices, food prep skills, cleaning skills, as well as other social and work skills in a positive work environment.
SASH Catering Services: Individuals work in the pizza kitchen with staff to prepare food for catering orders as requested and ordered. Please contact the Magrath office and speak with Elizabeth Cosman to discuss prices and your requirements.
Magrath Bottle Depot: SASH operates the Magrath Bottle Depot, where individuals are able to learn customer service skills, count the beverage containers and clean the bottle depot area.
Magrath Recycling services: Individuals who work on the recycling crew bale cardboard, sort recyclable materials, collect recyclable materials from Magrath & Raymond commercial and residents’ homes (Blue Box Program) and generally help operate recycling services for the town of Magrath & Raymond.
Community Food Pantry (operated by SASH): This is a new enterprise that is up and running in Magrath supporting local families in need. Our individuals wanted a way to give back to the community that offers so much support and came up with this idea. Questions - email:
SASH also supports individuals to participate in the volunteer sector. SASH currently supports individuals to volunteer at the Raymond Hospital, Magrath and Raymond Good Samaritan’s Societies, Diamond Willow Terrace Lodge, Magrath School, Raymond Elementary School, Chinook Regional Hospital and Canadian Blood Services. The volunteers are very much needed and appreciated in these businesses.